Opening This Week - July 9, 2010

I'm obviously going to watch Predators this week, but I'll admit Despicable Me looks pretty good also.

Predators: I was blown-away when I heard that Robert Rodriguez would be in charge of making the next Predator Movie. I have been a fan of Rodriguez for years, and I love every movie he's made so far. However, I wrongly assumed that he would actually direct Predators. It turns out he's actually on the project as producer, and Nimrod Antal (I've never heard of him either) is on as Director. I still have high hopes for this movie though. This movie looks like it's a little more grounded to the original (and the best) Predator movie, so I'm hoping it will help me forget all about the whole Alien Vs Predator concept.

Despicable Me: Looks pretty funny, and entertaining from the trailers, and I really don't see why it wouldn't be. He can go a little over the top sometimes, but Steve Carell is always funny, and rarely disappoints. Some of the scenes shown in the trailer are, I think, a little crude for very young children, but it's being sold as a family movie so I guess it should be wholesome enough to take the whole family to. 

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