Opening This Week - Aug. 13 , 2010

Opening this week we've got: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, The Expendables, and Eat Pray Love.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is a movie based on a graphic novel about a kid who, for some reason, has to fight off his new girlfriend's evil ex-boyfriends who have apparently teamed up to form a league of evil ex's. If I were this Scott Pilgrim guy I would seriously want to make sure this girl has taken every STD test available, I mean, man... seven ex-boyfriends.

Eat Pray Love is about a woman who feels the need to travel the world for a year to try to "find herself". We've seen these before except this one might be taken a little more seriously since it stars the, almost legendary, Julia Roberts. I know I won't go see this of my own free will, but I'm sure it'll be a good date movie.

The Expendables, I haven't even looked at the plot description for this movie, and I don't have to, it features pretty much all of my all-time favorite action movie-gods, and I all I want from this movie is to see them do what they do best; kill bad guys, and blow stuff up. The only way this movie could be disappointing is if it actually takes itself too seriously.

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