Opening This Week - Aug. 20 , 2010

There will definitely be something for everyone to watch this week with four movies opening nation wide. Opening this week we've got, Piranha 3D, Vampires Suck, Nanny McPhee Returns, and Lottery Ticket

Piranha 3D, What is there to say about this movie really? The title is pretty much an actual summary of the movie; It's a 3D movie about Piranhas. 

Vampires Suck, marks the return of the Spoof genre. This time the filmmakers set their sites on the, both world famous, and word hated, Vampire romance novels that are the Twilight features. This looks pretty funny actually, but I don't really know if it's something I want to spend a movie ticket on. 

Nanny McPhee Returns, just as the title says, this is the return of Nanny McPhee to the big screen. I never saw the first one, and no one I know can seem to remember seeing it either. In my humble opinion, if it's a good family movie you want to see about a nanny teaching kids valuable life lessons, I recommend Netflixing Mary Poppins

Lottery Ticket, is about a young man who wins the lottery but can't cash on the ticket for some reason until the end of a three day weekend, and I guess everyone around him expects to get a cut, or something, I don't really follow. I might be funny, I mean, it stars former kid-rapper who was once called Lil' Bow-Wow.

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